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Forno Ravacciano

Forno Ravacciano Tuscany Zone

Forno Ravacciano is an artisan company where working processes are being made by hand and love by an entire family. The laboratory is based in Ravacciano, a district of Siena also known by the Sienese as Alberino. For almost 70 years, this bakery has been producing bread with high quality raw materials, long and slow working processes, as tradition dictates, in order to safeguard the health of customers.

Together with the quality of the ingredients, the experience and skill of bakers and pastry chefs, respect for tradition and love for good bread are the fundamental elements that characterize the production of Forno Ravacciano.

At the official stores you will find different types of bread, with cereals, turmeric, “ciaccino” (focaccia – flat – bread) with EVO oil and above all the typical sweets of the Sienese tradition such as ricciarelli, cavallucci, panforte, panpepato, Cecco cake and Fiorita cake; rigorously and fully hand-made following ancient recipes.

Cavallucci, Ricciarelli, Panforte and Panpepato are becoming the Forno Ravacciano’s workhorse.  The last 20 years lots of family’s energy has been dedicated to typical Sienese sweets, both in the choice of raw materials and in the research and interpretation of the ancient recipes of the apothecaries.

In recent years many generations have followed one another, and when the need to expand the premises was born, an unmissable opportunity came, to transfer the production to the ancient headquarters of the first Panforte factory in Siena, so now history and current events coexist under the same roof creating a harmonious one-of-a-kind excellence.


One of the typical sweets of the Sienese Christmas holidays next to ricciarelli and cavallucci, is panforte, whose origins are, as often happens in the Italian culinary tradition, closely linked to the events of the place of origin, the municipality of Siena, to its panpepato, another local “glory” and to the spice trade.

We have to go back many centuries, maybe even a millennium to get to the beginning of this recipe. All could  start from the “focaccia” (flat crunchy bread) in use in the Sienese countryside (but not only) to which were gradually added honey and fruit. Their name was “pane melatos” (honeyed bread), a simple mixture of flour, dried fruit, and honeydew water, used to rinse the containers that had contained the honey, but over time it was customary to enrich them with seasonal fruits (grapes, figs, apples, almonds), all available in the territory. Fresh fruit had the bad prerogative to sour after a few days making the product take a rancid taste. From here Panforte derives in fact from the Latin “panis fortis”, that is “paneacido”, in its name there is a good part of the history.

Panforte is a combination of candied sugared water, white flour, toasted almonds and sugar. The flavor is very sweet and the texture is soft and crunchy at the same time thanks to toasted almonds.All sweets of the Sienese tradition are fat-free and this make them good as energybar for sportsmen.Panforte is to be paired to Vin santo at the end of the meal but it’s also very tasty as an appetizer together with a seasoned pecorino cheese.

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Panforte Ravacciano Tuscany Zone


Panpepato Ravacciano Tuscany Zone

The history of panpepato is similar to that of panforte; in fact, this is a variation of panforte

with candied fruit, honey, spices and almonds. The predominant spices are pepper and cinnamon with an addition of cocoa. All this gives a very special and special flavor to our panpepato.

Like panforte, panpepato can be eaten at the end of a meal or as an appetizer to a good tasty  cheese.

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The “rich” dessert of the Sienese tradition, made with egg whites, almonds and sugar, was dedicated to high-ranking families as the working process included ingredients not available in the territory and it was consumed exclusively during Christmas holidays.

Today we can enjoy Ricciarelli all year round.

Our Ricciarelli have a delicate taste of sweet almond and a very light note of bitter almond that reduces the sweetness of the icing sugar in a well-balanced way.

They are entirely handmade so that every single Ricciarello has its own unique and different flavor.

Our long experience has led us to make them slightly more golden and to bring fragrance and crunchiness on the palate bite after bite.

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Ricciarelli Ravacciano Tuscany Zone


Cavallucci Ravacciano Tuscany Zone

Cavallucci are the “poor” dessert of the Sienese tradition. They are made with walnuts, flour, sugar, candied peel of orange and anise.The flavor isn’t too sweet with a slight note of anise, the texture is soft at the beginning and crunchy at the same time, given by coarsely broken nuts.Our cavallucci are entirely hand-made. Our experience handed down from generation to generation let us made cavalluccio more suitable to the modern cuisine keeping its own softness longer.

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