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I am Francesca and I was born and raised in Florence. Since 2010 I’ve been living with my family in one of the historic cradles of the Medici family, Poggio a Caiano, a small town in the province of Prato.

I come from a tourist training and a long professional activity in the administrative-commercial field, combining in the years working experiences in the restaurant world both in Italy and abroad.

My predilection for “toscanità” has always gone with me, to learn how to prepare the typical dishes of my region, to discover the territories of Tuscany and the products that characterize it and make it unique in the world.

In 2019 I decided to transform my life by giving birth to the Tuscany Zone project. Passion has become a job that has led me to discover and know the true essence of my region, small farms and artisan workshops. Places where time seems to stand still. My work unfolds in two very distinct but related channels. To Tuscan farms and artisan workshops, who want to get involved and expand their sales network, I propose my collaboration. For operators and retailers, I offer a unique basket of products to help them find the ones that best suit their needs, promoting direct contact between the sector’s players and the finest matching between supply and demand

Tuscany Zone Project

Tuscany Zone is your landmark for Tuscan agro-food Excellences.

I constantly work to spot small farmhouses of our territory, picking the ones still using genuine production methods and with great respect for the ancient traditions.

I search for products on the basis of their productive historicity of the local area, the denomination of origin and I choose them for their specialities and quality.

I care about my customers and for this reason I give a special attention to the organic products.

My commitment is to promote direct contacts among the family-owned farmhouses and the increasingly demanding consumers, allowing the best tasting and sensory experience.

Tuscany Zone, the simplicity in the Excellence!